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Blog post

Posted on jun 5, 2015 by Julien Etienne in Other with comments.

The “Box Model” is the fundamental dictator of presentation, on the web. It keeps things in a formation that we are familiar with in the physical world but also (and arguably) hinders

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Blog post

Posted on Apr29 2015 by Sara Soueidan in Other with comments.

Over the past couple of years, CSS has gotten a set of new properties that allow us to create quite advanced graphical effects right in the browsers, using a few lines of code, and without having to resort to graphics editors to achieve those effects. If you are like me, then that sounds like music to your ears. I don’t do well in graphics editors and would choose a code path over a graphical editor path any day. CSS now allows us to do more graphical work right in our text editors

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Blog post

Posted on Jun 3, 2015 by Lance Evans in Other with comments.

The internet's e-commerce trading port success is based on the same thing: profitability and safety. Nothing could be more profitable than selling to someone on their computer, laptop and phone. You just need the technology to make these financial transfers safe for both customer and merchant.

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Blog post

Posted on Jun 4, 2015 by Andy orsow in Other with comments.

A baseline grid is an underlying structure that helps guide the vertical spacing of your design. It’s an excellent typographic tool, but also comes in handy when laying out other elements on the page. Just like using columns as guides in your design, the baseline grid is a way to help you make decisions and build consistency into your layout

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Blog post

Posted on Jun 3, 2015 by Jakub Steiner in Other with comments.

Prototype validation comes in when you’ve determined what user problem you need to solve, but you haven’t yet figured out how to solve it. It’s a later stage of concept testing that allows you to evaluate how someone feels about a new product before you release it. While concept testing is traditionally done through surveys, focus groups, and landing page testing, prototype validation uses the interface as a starting point to conversation and learning. It’s a great way reach your design solution faster.

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